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We are living in unpredictable times and insurmountable stress, which unfortunately has created an anxiety pandemic. Excessive worrying can feel paralyzing at times; often interfering with sleep, health, relationships and overall sense of enjoyment. There is hope.

Research has shown that therapy with a counselor who specializes in anxiety is the most effective treatment plan. In counseling you can explore the underlying cause of your concerns and fears. There might be circumstances in your past where you experienced physical pain, trauma, emotional wounds, neglect or abuse. My integrative approach includes space to process your unique story and where anxiety might have originated, while also offering practical tools so you can live a more productive and peaceful life. I have found cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR and mindfulness behavior techniques to be effective in the treatment of anxiety; providing levels of freedom so you can get back to the life you were created for.


Depression affects how a person feels, thinks and reacts. If left untreated, it can have a detrimental impact on quality of life and relationships. Depression involves deep feelings of sadness and despair that are hard to get out of. It is not uncommon to get stuck in thought patterns that paralyze our ability to successfully function in daily life. For some, it can surface as irritability and angry outbursts toward the people we care about. At its worst, we might feel as if life isn’t worth living. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to overcome on our own because we lose interest in the very activities that would make us feel better and energy is hard to come by.  Having a counselor come alongside to work through depression is invaluable as hope is instilled throughout the recovery process.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a solution oriented approach in counseling that helps people see the difference between beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. This awareness provides freedom from unhelpful patterns of behavior. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is grounded in the belief that it is a person’s perception of events – rather than the events themselves – that determines how he or she will feel and act in response. While utilizing the tools within CBT’s framework, you’ll be able to adjust the thoughts that directly influence your emotions and behavior. These sessions are structured to ensure that the therapist and the person in treatment are focused on personalized goals, which in turn ensures that each and every session is productive.

Couples Counseling

Couples counseling is a worthwhile endeavor as you both discover the gold contained within your story. It is not unusual to find my couples re-connecting and acquiring renewed hope in sessions, as they gather fresh insight into their unique relationship. I incorporate clinical insight, communication tools, conflict resolution skills, enneagram awareness, and space in my office for clients to heal as they journey through their past together. Clients often move through restoration faster than anticipated; finding an upgrade in their ability to communicate with one another more productively while enjoying life again.

My approach is exploratory, yet practical in nature. Most couples are hesitant to begin counseling together as it often surfaces old wounds and unresolved conflict. Understandably, as the road to healing involves levels of vulnerability you might not be comfortable entering at first. We will go together at your pace, paying careful attention to how this process is affecting your hearts. I feel confident in encouraging you to be expectant as you engage in the process of reconnection with your partner.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a clinically researched approach utilized for the treatment of trauma, anxiety, depression, PTSD and various behavioral health issues. When administered with a skilled therapist utilizing the standardized protocols; EMDR can be a remarkable healing modality. It appears the bilateral stimulation created through eye movement mimics the curative properties found in deep REM sleep. This provides an opportunity for the client to reprocess the original trauma and consequently shift their cognitions to ones that facilitate the life they want to live now. After successful administration and completion of EMDR therapy, clients report a remembrance of an event without the negative side effects or emotional triggers that previously disturbed them. In addition, healthier thought patterns are adopted that create a sense of freedom and peace. Likewise, they acquire an ability to emotionally regulate in new-found ways as EMDR mindfulness resources are applied in sessions.


The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that helps us understand who we are and how we interpret the world. There are 9 identified personality types; each one has a core belief system that drives a person’s deepest motivations and fears. How we arrive at our Enneagram type is a combination of nature and nurture. Most experts believe we are born with a predisposition to a particular type that is then affected by our environment. They have discovered our core belief system is further established in childhood and shapes our behavior patterns, narrative, personality and how we function in relationships. 

Exploring the Enneagram provides awareness on how people react and adapt to stress, which can create opportunity for personal development. Likewise, insight into how other types on the Enneagram act and respond the way they do, can have a profound impact on the quality of our relationships. Clients often find themselves with a greater understanding of others, which increases their ability to connect in meaningful ways with the people they care about.

Family Therapy

One of my favorite endeavors in counseling is to come alongside parents and families, providing support and practical solutions for their current struggle. Each season of parenting presents distinctive challenges that require a fresh set of tools and perspective to steward a child’s journey well. I have both personal and professional experience with children who are more perplexing than others, which creates a need for unique resources and strategies. 

My approach to parenting extends beyond behavior management, as one of my therapeutic goals is to maintain the heart connection my clients have with their child. At times, this critical connection may be in need of repair and family counseling can be advantageous in creating space for restoration to occur. Likewise, I often assist blended families to put systems in place that facilitate healthy communication and successful co-parenting. Your family is unique, and my treatment approach will vary based upon your relational dynamic and personal goals.

Clinical Supervision

Clinical supervision provides Licensed Professional Counselor Candidates the opportunity to advance their clinical knowledge as well as satisfy state requirements for licensure. I consider offering supervision services to upcoming professionals an honor. It is a unique privilege to collaborate with like-minded helpers who want to advance their skills and become solid therapists. Licensed Professional Counselor Candidates will receive ethical insight, on-going support, and an expansion of behavioral techniques that are congruent with their theoretical orientation. 

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